Ricky Torres

Ricky Torres


Human Resources, Sales, Business


Bellevue University


  • Work experience with Fortune 100 companies
  • Background in sales, human resources, and entrepreneurship
  • Masters degree in management and human resources
  • SHRM certified


Ricky Torres mission is to help entrepreneurs and businesses receive the guidance and support they need so they can maximize their potential and achieve economic prosperity.

I have numerous years of professional experience with global Fortune 100 companies such as AT&T, Amazon, Charter Communications, and GEICO (a Berkshire Hathaway company). I have held various positions in sales, sales management, and Human Resources.


Ricky’s academic background includes two Masters Degrees, one in Management and the other in Human Resources Strategic Management. I am also a SHRM certified professional as well as a data analytics certified professional.

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How to Hire Employees for a Small Business (8-step process)

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How to Track Employee Hours (5 best ways)

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Ricky Torres